Girl in the Woods is the path I walked to become the hero of my own story. When I began writing the book, I’d believed that I’d been saved by my husband’s love. The story was going to end with my wedding.  

But as I wrote the memoir, revised and saw old stories newly, I had help from a muse known in New York City as The Aerialist. She is a dreamer, a photographer and a model at once: a poet and a mirror and a light. Questions that she asked me led to answers that taught me the morals of the tales I’ve been telling all my life. Together, we made fire. With her, I discovered — my hike was really the discovery of my own strength.

On the last page of my book I introduce her: Corrina Gramma — a girl who has always been the director of her own life. She reminds all who watch her fly that they too have hidden wings waiting to be discovered, and trusted.

 One girl finding freedom, to the next...